It's funny how the first time you do it you think 'Yeah, that's it - we got all we could out of that.'
LISA (Jeni Howarth Williams) confronts ARIF (Aaron Rochford) Rehearsal shot
Then 18 months later, you come back to it and you find so much MORE. There really is a much greater depth here now, stronger connections between and depth to the characters, actors throwing in suggestions and coming up with pure gold. This has really, really moved on and evolved into a much richer experience both for the actors and for the audience...but it's the same script. Like I have said before, a script is words on a page until an actor gets hold of it - and it's obviously about not being afraid to try things in a rehearsal and each and every one of us have really set a new bench mark with this.
NICK (yours truly) LISA (Jeni Howarth Williams) and ARIF (Aaron Rochford) Rehearsal Shot
There is still work to do, two of the cast don't join the rest of us till Friday(!) but they are working their scenes together down in London, and when you have two actors of the calibre of PHOEBE MARIE JONES and BEN HOOD there is very little to worry about, two young dynamo's at the top of their game.
ARIF (Aaron Rochford) ets worked up in RANK (Rearsal shot)
As I write this we are setting up to shoot the new footage that is used within the play, a very late shoot tonight to bag it, and this is following on from BEN MOTTERSHEADS shoot of the opening scene between NICK (a driver from LUCKY CABS) and a very mysterious passenger and stranger to Paradise Heights, a smooth enough shoot but also a 3 am finish! The look and feel of the footage links very, very nicely to THE WATCHER - it's companion piece, audiences are really in for a treat - and tickets are now flying - this is gonna sell out so I'd really recommend getting those tickets.RANK, I'M FRANK MORGAN and THE WATCHER
The Lowry
Sunday 12trh June @ 3pm and 8pm
Book your tickets here...
And come and experience an unforgettable trilogy from TALES FROM PARADISE HEIGHTS
All pictures in this update by BEN MOTTERSHEAD.
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